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ai-typescript-check is a ChatGPT plugin and API that provides linting, auto-completion, error checking, and type checking for TypeScript, JSX/TSX, and JavaScript files. It uses a modified version of @typescript/twoslash. Meaning all the typescript twoslash tips and tricks all work out of the box.

While primarily designed as a ChatGPT plugin for type checking TypeScript code, ai-typescript-check can also be used as a standalone API for type checking in any coding environment. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. You can check out the OpenAPI Spec to learn more about the API static/.well-known/openapi.yaml or using the website at

Try Typescript Analyzer GPT

To try out the Typescript Analyzer go to this URL

Install ChatGPT Plugin

From Store:

  1. Navigate to the official OpenAI plugin store.
  2. Search for this plugin.
  3. Click on the plugin to view its details.
  4. Click on the "Install" button to add the plugin to your ChatGPT.


  1. Navigate to the official OpenAI plugin store.
  2. Click on the "Install an unverified plugin" link.
  3. Enter the official API URL and click "Find Plugin".
  4. ChatGPT will then walk you through the steps of installing the plugin, if it's not yet on the store.
  5. Create a new chat using GPT-4 with Plugins.
  6. Enable the "Typescript Code Analyzer API" plugin and start.



Type check transferables

import { hasTransferables } from "transferables" 


The TypeScript code:

import { hasTransferables } from "transferables"

imports a function named hasTransferables from a module named "transferables". The function hasTransferables takes up to three parameters:

  1. obj: unknown - The object to check for transferables.
  2. streams?: boolean - An optional parameter that, if true, includes streams in the check for transferables.
  3. maxCount?: number - An optional parameter that limits the number of iterations the function will perform when checking for transferables.

The function returns a boolean value indicating whether the input contains at least one transferable object, up to a maximum number of iterations.

Please note that the function hasTransferables is imported but not used in your code, which is why the TypeScript compiler is giving a warning.

Here is the type information for hasTransferables:

(alias) function hasTransferables(obj: unknown, streams?: boolean, maxCount?: number): boolean

And here is the documentation for the function:

Quickly checks to see if input contains at least one transferable object, up to a max number of iterations

You can see the code in the TypeScript playground here.

Here's this exmaple on ChatGPT:


To utilize ai-typescript-check, please follow the steps below:

// Instantiate a new FormData object
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("code", "import { hasTransferables } from \"transferables\"");
formData.append("extension", "ts");

// Initiate a POST request to the API
const res = await fetch("", {
  method: "POST",
  body: formData

// Output the response
  json: await res.json()

Alternatively, you can pass the options as a query parameter:

// Define the options
const options = JSON.stringify({
  "code": `import { hasTransferables } from "transferables"`,
  "extension": "ts"

// Initiate a GET request to the API
const res = await fetch(`${options}`)

// Output the response
  json: await res.json()


The API will return a JSON object containing the following information:

Here's an example response:

  "code": "import { hasTransferables } from \"transferables\"",
  "extension": "ts",
  "highlights": [],
  "queries": [],
  "staticQuickInfos": [
      "text": "(alias) function hasTransferables(obj: unknown, streams?: boolean, maxCount?: number): boolean\nimport hasTransferables",
      "docs": "Quickly checks to see if input contains at least one transferable object, up to a max number of iterations\nThanks @aaorris for the help optimizing perf.",
      "start": 9,
      "length": 16,
      "line": 0,
      "character": 9,
      "targetString": "hasTransferables"
  "errors": [],
  "warnings": [
      "category": 2,
      "code": 6133,
      "length": 48,
      "line": 0,
      "character": 0,
      "renderedMessage": "'hasTransferables' is declared but its value is never read.",
      "id": "warn-6133-0-48"
  "playgroundURL": "",
  "tags": []

API Reference

ai-typescript-check provides two main API endpoints: POST /twoslash and GET /twoslash. Both endpoints accept TwoSlashOptions as input and return TwoSlashReturn as output.

POST /twoslash

This endpoint is designed for processing larger code inputs. It accepts TwoSlashOptions as JSON/FormData and returns TwoSlashReturn JSON. It supports ts, js, tsx, jsx.

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object or FormData with the following properties:


The response is a TwoSlashReturn JSON object with details about the code.

GET /twoslash

This endpoint is designed for processing smaller amounts of code that are 254 characters in length or less. It accepts TwoSlashOptions as JSON/FormData and returns TwoSlashReturn JSON. It supports ts, js, tsx, jsx.

Query Parameters

The query parameters should include the options parameter with the same properties as the request body for the POST endpoint.


The response is a TwoSlashReturn JSON object with details about the code.

Error Handling

In the event of an error during the processing of your code, the API will return a TwoslashError JSON object with details about the error. This object includes the following properties:


ai-typescript-check is licensed under the MIT License.